The Biochemistry Programme was created in 2004/2005 academic session under the Department of Applied Sciences. The Deparment’s name was changed to Natural Sciences in 2005/2006 academic session. In 2006/2007 session, the Department of Natural Sciences was split into four Departments, namely, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. The Biochemistry Programme was domiciled in the Department of Biological Sciences along with Biology (Applied Biology and Biotechnology) and Microbiology Programmes. In September, 2016, Department of Biochemistry was carved out of the Department of Biological Sciences by the University Senate, thus, according Biochemistry programme full Departmental status.
The Department of Biochemistry is committed to raising new generation of leaders in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology by driving excellence in teaching, research and community development, in line with the Vision and Mission of Covenant University. The faculty and staff are highly motivated and dedicated to the delivery of quality education to the students through strict adherence to well-structured course compacts, lecture schedules, use of ICT-driven modes of Lecture delivery, tutorials, relevant laboratory experiments and field trips. Lecture attendance by students as well as in-loco parentis and mentorship role of faculty are vigorously driven. The curricula of the Programme, lecture materials and practical manuals are regularly updated to make them current, robust, life-applicable and adequate to address contemporary issues on methodologies, product development, scientific and technological advances in food, agriculture, medicine, and allied industries. The laboratories are constantly furnished with modern scientific equipment and apparatuses for regular students’ experiments, research and specialized laboratory services. Hence, the consistent production of well-trained graduates with in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their fields of study, thus providing the nation with dedicated and competent manpower, as envisaged by Vision 20: 2020. The Department set the unbroken record of producing the overall best graduating student of Covenant University in 2010 with a record CGPA of 4.99.
The Department pursues basic and applied research in all areas of Biochemistry and associated disciplines. She is also making advances in cutting-edge research and training in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Ongoing research projects in the Department include the ground-breaking research in bioresource utilization, product formulation and enhancement, waste bioconversion, environmental and pollution control, gene sequencing and molecular studies of protein sweetener plants, medicinal plants and drug development, cancer and metabolic syndrome research, among others. The number of patents and articles published in reputable journals and/or presented in conferences annually by staff and faculty in the Department reflect the research output of the Department. The Department hosts regular Workshops on Molecular Biology and in November, 2016, hosted the 35th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
To be a leading, word class, academic Department with a strong commitment to training outstanding Biochemists and Molecular Biologists who will positively impact the society.
To provide students with a sound understanding of the chemical and molecular basis of life as well as skills to investigate, evaluate, interpret and create knowledge through quality teaching and relevant research.
The Department of Biochemistry strives to achieve the University’s set goal of developing the total man through instruction and mentorship, participatory basic and applied research as well as generating community-relevant information and technologies. The Department is designed to provide the students with a thorough, broad and balanced foundation in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in order to prepare them for career opportunities or an environment whereby they could be creative, innovative and self-reliant in the growing and expanding disciplines.
The specific objectives of Biochemistry Programme are as follows:
1. To provide the students with a broad and balanced foundation for biochemical knowledge and techniques.
2. To impart the students’ appropriate practical skills and abilities to resolve biochemical problems.
3. To inspire the students for a stimulating and satisfying learning experience in Biochemistry.
4. To create in the students an appreciation of the importance of Biochemistry in industrial, economic, environmental, technological and social development.
5. To prepare the students for further studies in specialized areas of Biochemistry or in multi-disciplinary areas involving Biochemistry such as Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
6. To inculcate in the students, the knowledge and skills needed for self-employment.